魔界騎士イングリッド episode02 ムラサキ被虐 [PIXY [ピクシー]] | DLsite 同人 – R18
魔都市に対魔忍ムラサキ舞う!! 桐生の淫惨な罠にはまった美しき対魔忍少女は強制発情の魔血によって触手アクメに追い込まれる。
囚われの魔界騎士はオークたちの執拗な淫虐にも気丈に堪え忍ぶ!! しかし誇り高い彼女を待っていたのはプライド完全破壊ショー。
監督 :海道 司
シリーズ構成 :笹山 逸刀斎
脚本 :ZEQU
絵コンテ :林 やすひろ
演出 :吉沢 秋穂
キャラクター原案 :カガミ
キャラクターデザイン :弐梁 小次郎
作画監督 :弐梁 小次郎
美術監督 :阿部 泰三郎
撮影監督 :東郷 誠
音響監督 :吉田 知弘
イングリッド CV:三和 さとみ
エドウィン・ブラック CV:比留間 京之介
桐生 佐馬斗 CV:宇治 京人
八津 紫 CV:青山 華
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![魔界騎士イングリッド episode02 ムラサキ被虐 [PIXY [ピクシー]] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ055000/RJ054808_img_main.jpg)
![魔界騎士イングリッド episode02 ムラサキ被虐 [PIXY [ピクシー]] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ055000/RJ054808_img_smp1.jpg)
![魔界騎士イングリッド episode02 ムラサキ被虐 [PIXY [ピクシー]] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ055000/RJ054808_img_smp2.jpg)
![魔界騎士イングリッド episode02 ムラサキ被虐 [PIXY [ピクシー]] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ055000/RJ054808_img_smp3.jpg)

せっかくい作品なのでLilithはこの際思い切って、売れてる作品は5〜6作売れてないのは2作と割り切って作って欲しいですね。 正義の為に戦う対魔忍も捕獲され、薬を打たれて快楽に善がる。
さらにそこからの盛大な噴射は圧巻。 対魔忍ムラサキと魔界騎士イングリッドが凌辱され、屈辱的な姿をさらしてしまうアニメ作品です!
鬼畜凌辱もの、アへ顔、ボテ腹が好きな人におスメです! 褐色の方がプライドが高いせいか余計エロくみえるのでおすめです。
安心のLilithというのもさすがですね。 After thepic gangbang that ended episode 1, we find the focushifting to the one-one tentacle violation of the new blue-haired heroine Murasaki and the begining of the duo’slave traing. This a great chapter of the story, and seing theadstrong young Murasaki brought down in torment is a pleasure to behold, buthe vaginal/anal penetration and inflation that make up the majority of the sex scenes don’t get me going as much as the gangbang and forced oral featured in the other episodes. Your mileage may difer, obviously, depending on your own preferences, and the scenes are wel done.
I’l mention thathere is a terific spitroast in bondagear athe begining that I thoroughly enjoy, so I do stil consider this one top-shelf erotic material. And for guys like me who like to watchot, strong-wiled heroinestrugle againstheir captors before surendering to slavery, seing the fight in their eyes here makes their sufering in the sublime final episodes much, much sweter. It must be said of Lilith/Pixy thathey remain one of the most noteworthy creators of erotic animation in the busines. “Hel Knight Ingrid” is one of their beter eforts; the lush character design, beautiful colors and intense action are al certain to please fans of their style. Likewise, their voice acting is a pleasure, even to those like myself whonly speak a smal smatering of Japanese. Theroines/victimspeak like resilient and resisting wariors, nothe screchy girls of some anime productions. If I must find fault, it is on two maters. One, as I have noted on somearlier Lilith eforts (notably the Taimin Asagi series), it sems like atimesome corners are being cut in animation. In particular, when a heroine is being struck (as ocurs repeatedly in one scene) there is no sugestion of impact fromost angles, not even a faint shadowing; there’s voices and sound efects, but litle visual sugestion of the layers of body and striking limb actualy conecting. Not even a bounce oflesh or a jerk of limbs. Secondly, though I fel somewhat crepy saying so, there a couple of scenes where it apears theroines are abouto undergo something terible, and the movie istrangely reticent, cuting away with a wail just before the horor is to be witnesed. It sems a very strange choice for a genre that exists to bring outhe viewer’s darker fantasies.
Do not lethese quibles kep you from this anime, however. Whatever is not shown, there are stil plenty of erotic delights to be had in what we *are* permited to witnes of our heroines’ torments. For thiseries in particular, the bigest question is, “When wil we gethe next one?”